Monday, 28 December 2009
Balik dari...
Monday, 14 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
"Forward la mesej ini jika anda tak nak....."
Mase tengah tuggu orderku sampai. My whole family chatting about what-do-u-want-to-know. Tengah rancak berborak tibe2 jer mesej masuk. Check la kejap kan. Maybe ade something important la kan but this is not important at all! After I open it, I realised that this is stupid-forward-message.
kandungannya berbunyi lebih kurang gini la "....anda hantar, 2 jam kemudian anda akan mendapat khabar berita yang baik jika tidak, musibah akan melanda..bla bla bla"
Aku terus ignore mesej bodoh tu but a few minutes later, I got the same message from my other friends. This make me pissed of. Tak ku sangke kawan aku ni bodoh sangat. Leh percaye lak mesej tu. So stupid. Do they use their head or what?
Kadang2 mau gelak aku dibuatnyer. Diowang gi percaye mesej tu bulat2. Ini ker namenyer budak yang duk kelas first? Kamu semua ada otak tuk berfikir whether that stupid chain message is true or what. Kamu takut ditimpa musibah ker kalo tak forward kan mesej ni? Percaye la mesej ni, percaye la. Sampai bile2 pon kamu akan ditipu.
p/s : Forward mesej ni tak kesah la ape bentuk kandungannya. Orang yg duk gi forward kan mesej ni please la pikir dulu. Dah la rugi duit, wat penuhkan inbox owang lak tu!
Monday, 7 December 2009
AKB48 - River
The largest girl group in Japan, AKB48 consist with 48 members but now just 42 left. Suddenly I'm addicted to Japan song, some of them are anime OST. Well right now I don't know what anime should I watch. Want to re-download Vampire Knight and also want to buy their comic book.
By the way, hope u guys enjoy it.

Sleepy as usual. I knew that the UKKM is today but I still don't sleep until 2 am in the morning. ( speaking of 2AM, it remind me of Korean ballad boy group,2AM. When 2AM going to release their next album?) When I woke in the morning, my head feels heavy and my eyes can't open. I went to the mirror and shockingly I saw my face looks exactly like a panda ;)
I wearing the school uniform early and after that doze to sleep. I got a short nap ( is it nap or sleeping coz I don't think that people take a nap during the morning) and had a wonderful dream about my favourite anime ( don't know why I dreamt about Ouran High School Host Club, maybe b'coz I had a long conversation with my friend, Wan Ru about how will Kyoya react when he find someone that he love. It's so funny when we imagine about it! )
Long story being short, I successfully answer all of those questions. Math was so hard. So hard enough until I had to use pakai hentam punye method. Science was about 50/50 but not as hard as Math. Ujian Keperibadian? Well let just says that this test is quite funny. The questions consist of our point of view and it also ask about Rosyam Nor's characteristic and Upin Ipin! ( can you imagine that,they even ask about Upin Ipin! ) B'coz of that, I had to answer these 2 questions while trying not to laugh out loud!
picture of today : Kyoya Otori from Ouran High School Host Club. The evil side of him makes him looks so charm and COOL!!
Sunday, 6 December 2009
As I sitting infront of the laptop, I thought about how on earth I make those people suffer from my foolishness. I admit i'm wrong. But, I couldn't help it. My feelings always come and go. I never felt love. Never. Only 'admire'. I just admire him. I'm sorry. I like you but I don't love you. Please forgive my mistake. I hope you will find someone that love you as you love her.
Words can be cruel, Itsn't it?
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
4 fun
1. Put your iTune
2. For each quest
3. You must write
4. Put any comme
5.For best resul
1. If someo
2. How would
3. What do you like in a girl / boy?
Honey - Kara
4. How do you feel today
5. What is your life'
6. What is your motto
Tell me your wish - Girls Generation/SNSD
7. What do your frien
Juliette - SHINee
8. What do you think
A.Mi.Go - SHINee
9. What do you think
Heartbeat - 2PM
10. What is 2 + 2?
11. What do you think
13. What is your life story
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ring Ding Dong - SHINee
15. What do you think
Love Like This - SS501
16. What will you dance
Wanna - Kara
18. What is your bigge
I Hope - FT Island
19. What is your bigge
20. What do you think
21. What will you post this as?
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Sebab kamu la, aku kena duduk di bawah pancaran matahari
Monday, 9 November 2009
Playing in the rain, yeah I loving it !
Hari ini hujan menggila lah ! Seronok dapat mandi hujan, walaupon kene marah ngan Teacher Mona. Sorry eh teacher, saye nak enjoy kejap ( melayan perasaan sekali ).
Hampir basah bajuku dibuatnye. Ala, sekali sekala. Bukannya haram pon main hujan. Opps, bukan main hujan tapi mandi la hahaha. Bila lagi masanya untuk kita enjoy alam semulajadi ni kan. Kita bukannya tahu bila kita akan mati. Jadi, amatlah penting kita menikmati saat2 indah bersama. Manfaatkannya dengan perkara yang faedah. Jangan la pulak kamu semua pergi buat kerja tah hape2 kat luar sana tu. Memalukan mak bapak adalah.
Okay, back to the topic.
bila bujan start turun, aku apa lagi keluar dari dewan yang sebenarnye kelas tu. Wah best seyh. Tapi lama2 sejuk la pulak. Kire ok la kan sebab aku pakai baju sukan. Demam pon apa aku kesah sebab esok aku tak pergi sekolah. Aku ponteng !
Actually, esok aku gi UKM. Temankan mak aku gi jemput akak aku yang baru habis exam. Punyala cepat nak balik rumah. Almaklumlah, orang yang tak pernah duk asrama dan tak suka duk asrama, sering cari peluang tuk keluar dari asrama tuk balik rumah. Tak pe lah. Atleast die duk kat asrama tu setahun jer. Lepas tu, die nak duduk kat rumah baru. Tak aci ni. Aku pon nak gak duk kat rumah baru tu. Leh la aku gi sekolah kat Bangi jer terus.
Tapi apa nak wat. Hati masih disini lagi. Walaupon menjerit nak tinggalkan tempat ini, aku masih lagi duduk di sini. Macam sengal lak aku ni yer
Girls, are we ladies, yet ?

center from left : Jane, Sazrina, Suriani, Aisyah ( me ), Yap Wan Ru, Izzati Shafri, Zahiera
Bottome from left : Mardiana, Hazimah Farahin, Adilah, Shiema, Amalina
Pedulikan tajuk post ini. Budak skema datang menulis. Tepuk la sikit ( jangan lebih sudah )
Tak de cerite best la. Semuanye takat boring punye cerita. Ternyata lepas PMR ni, ramai la pasangan pasangan bahagia muncul. Mentang-mentang la PMR dah habis, korang leh enjoy la dating2 ni yer. Tempat tak startegik langsung. Dalam dewan jugak korang nak dating. Tak romantik la !
Kalau dah terang-terang korang couple tok sah la nak berdalih lagi. Tak kan la takut kot ? Semua orang sudah tahu so tok sah la kamu sebuk menafikan yer. Pikir kamu tu artis popular Malaysia ker ?
Pelik betul la aku 2 orang kawan aku ni. Sangat pelik. Budak lain pon couple gak kan tapi mana ada diowang sorok2 kan. Takut cikgu tahu ? Cikgu tahu pon biarkan je la. Janganlah pikir yang cikgu ni tak pernah couple time sekolah. Open la sikit wahai 2 orang kawan ku.
Bila aku tanye, sebuk cakap 'tak de pape'. Aku bukan busy body, sebuk nak tahu semua bende macam korang but a friend need to know. Ape namenye kawan kalau la pasal couple ni pon nak rahsiakan. Takut orang kritik ker ?
Contoh pasangan bahagia di Form 3, si A dan si B, si H dan si J, si P dan si Q, cikgu tahu la pasal diowang ni. Tapi ade cikgu masuk campur ? Tak ada. Hak peribadi. Hal personal la. Cikgu pon tak mahu ganggu privasi orang.
So ape yang korang takutkan sampai sanggup menipu kami semua ?
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Arigatou my friend
A very interesting blogger layout, all thanks to my friend miss Yasmeen, who gave me this lovely layout ! Gonna miss you story dear friend. Why did you deleted your blog. I love reading your blog. So sad la !
Just hoping that she will create a new blogger account. I really wanted to read her interesting stories It inspired me okay !
Okay, tomorrow will be heading to Shah Alam. My sis said " ade ape yang best kat Shah Alam tu ?" Well, how should I know right. The main reason why I want to join that trip is just wanna to kill my time. So bored going to school. Is the any interesting competition held on rather then just mouth-spliting day ? Hmm, I still don't have the answer yet.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Hot vampires are out this month!
Well, this holiday is gonna be fun. I bet for this ya know that! There's gonna be cool, exciting, superb movies this holiday and just can't wait to watch it, with my mouth full of popcorn.
Okey already, stop with this movies insanity!
This month can't make me sit down properly. The adrenalin is high! Not just this month will makes my papa turn 50, this is also the month that I can meet my lovely, darling vampire!
Talking about vampire, New Moon is headed its way to cinema! Can't wait for this! I already ask my niece to take me to the cinema and watch this superb movie!
I love it poster! Superbly gorgeous!

Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Kepentingan diri sendiri, DIUTAMAKAN.
Serik. Aku memang serik. Selama ni aku kerap menjaga perasaan mereka kerana aku tidak mahu mereka terluka. Mengabaikan diri sendiri dan mementingkan mereka. Mereka aku utamakan. Tapi, bagaimana pula diri aku ?
When I think about it, it doesn't give me anything. Apa yg aku dapat ialah penyeksaan, kekecewaan dengan keputusan aku yg sebuk menjaga hati dan perasaan mereka. Ade mereka kesah pasal aku ? Tidak. Rupanya, aku macam terhegeh hegeh kat mereka. Aku sedar dari mimpi. Mereka mempergunakan aku.
Beranggapan bahawa aku akan sentiasa memaafkan mereka, mereka terus menyakiti diriku. Mereka sangat pentingkan diri mereka sendiri ! Dengan memanipulasikan keadaan sekeliling, mereka telah 'menyakinkan' aku untuk tidak mementigkan diriku sendiri. Membuatkanku sentiasa mementingkan mereka. Utamakan kepentingan mereka. Tanpa disedari, aku 'berjaya' dipermainkan oleh mereka untuk kepentingan mereka.
Jadi tidak salah la kalau aku mementingkan diriku ini. Janji aku dapat apa yg aku nak. Sama ada mereka menghina atau mencerca keputusan aku ini, aku tetap utamakan kepentingan diri sendiri.
Walaupon aku terpaksa memanipulasi keadaan...
Skipping School
Hari ni aku malas nak gi sekolah. Listening to ceramah is so irritating my ears ! I told my mom about it. Syukur la mak aku kasi hehe. Rumah still under construction. Cat sana cat sini, sume sudut kat umah aku ni nak kene cat. Bagus la kan, our house transformation. My house has an attic lol, best nyer ! Bila bende ni sume dah siap leh aku lepak kat attick tu. hehehe
Tadi Wan Ru datang umah. Men internet sambil berborak same same. Best gak tu. Actually, kitowg dah komplot dah tak nak datang sekolah ari ni. Yela, boring la duk sekolah. Kalo tak leh duk kat Koop, kene duk kat dewan, dengar ceramah. Argh ! Tak de ker aktiviti yang best huh ? Bosan la tiap tiap ari cam ni.
Well, crite sikit pasal bola. MU kalah. Kesian seyh kawan kawan ku yang minat MU. Aku peduli hape sape yang menang. Ade aku peduli ? Kalo bola kan, aku tak minat pon team ni. Tak main la. Aku just sokong team nak menang jer. Hahahaha. contoh la: Chealsy lawan Arsenal. Dalam separuh mase Chealsy 0, Arsenal 2, confirm aku sokong Arsenal. Walaupon aku ni bukan peminat Arsenal, aku akan sokong team tu kalo team tu nak menang. Cam bagus lak aku ni. Wahahahaha
Sunday, 4 October 2009
my real long lost friend
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
my confession
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
english when writing is so skema!
hari itu merupakan hari yang agak memenatkan. During recess, sebuk meminta sijil KoKu. ni sume gare gare sekumpulan budak laki yg nak mohon ke MTD. b'coz of this, I pergi mintak sijil tu sowang2..the girls still donno yet, but after i received it they asking me lot of question!
well this is a fasting month right and pupil should went home early. But things aren't the same here. The form 3 student had to go extra class just to take exam trial Mathematics paper 2 from Kelantan. Luckily, the extra class just for math only and we do it once a week. Who wants to spen their time in school all day long?
The application to MRSM is a 'hot' news among MRSM fans. All of us already prepares the document require to take the pin no eventhough the opening date is a week after raya. Semangat la katakan hahahaha.
Tuesday, 15 september
yesterday it just the simple-old-days. So bored. Nothing to do. Every classes doing the state trial exam all day long. I really need a break. Syukur sesangat sangat when cikgu geografi tak masuk kelas ! Like I said, I need a break. Suddenly, the spirit of studying disappear. I wonder around the class and the next thing i do is chatting with the boys.
is quite enjoyable when we talk to our friends. it release the tention in our mind. Tapi, yesterday aq jadi lagi tension! Can u imagine a group of boys suddenly force u to tell who is the person that u like? Memang segan nak gitau tapi why should I? he is not studying here, he study at another school and most of my friends don't know him.
first of all i gave them the discription of that boy ; he is tall and white, wears blue shirt ( a prefect ) and a songkok, sometimes wears a spectacles. Most importantly, he is kind and ....
then, they ask me what is his first letter of his name. well, this part is strictly confidential to show on this blog. Hontouni gomennasai!
it's hard for them to know so they bring Syafiq and Kamarul along. With these two help them, they know who is that boy. Kamarul said that the boy had asking him a question about math during our visit to his school. Syafiq told them that I had told him that the boy is so kind! Both of them know his name.
well, that it for today. I want to take a nape coz tonight kene gi kiamullai. today story is not so interesthing so i will not post it hear. One more thing, tomorrow I skip school! when to Bangi to pick up my sis in UKM. But the next day, had to go to school. Lots of school starts their holiday this friday but why my school still school on that day?
Thursday, 10 September 2009
mase kat sekolah tadi kene jumpe our dear principle..sume ni pasal trial pmr..first2 dengar je la beliau berucap...lame lame, die tengok setiap keputusan pelajar pelajar harapan ni..
the first person that she called its me..she asked why my math got B..well, i smiled and said "cuai cikgu hehehe"..then she asked about my P.I, this time i took my breath and said "saye tak bace and tak ingat cikgu" bagusnye ayat aku ni yer..
Yang bagusnye pengetua lagik menaikan semangat aq adelah..she a good matter what happen, she always gives advice at student, especially the PMR and SPM students..Syukur alhamdulillah dapat pengetua cam die ni!
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
awaken from slumber
sejak kebelakangan ni aku selalu ngantuk kat kelas terutamanye waktu pagi..tah nape aku ngantuk giler..biler malam jer mata terbeliak luas..biler pikir pikir balik, i'm a nocternerl or what ?
no spirit at school...not at my mind "sleeping~sleeping~SLEEPING !"...thanks god cause there are lot's of work to do today..atleast i can do some work reather then sleeping until the sun is up..
my essay, gosh still not finished yet !..biler cikgu suruh wat soklan trial MRSM Geografi..wat laju laju sampai tak sempat nak bace ape soalan die..siap jer wat bende tu terus wat essay..i'm such a 'good' student right...
talkative, one of my sweetest and annoying such a talkative person right now..what i do is just sitting in the chair doing work or just play dead in the stage filled with actor and actress..what a sad play :( ; the main character of the play had died shockingly without even noticed by the other characters
hmm, so that is why there's a 'young-pure-blood vampire' in the play, and that young vampire is the dead-main character of the play...wahahahahaha
Monday, 7 September 2009
me, a vampire?
today, 7th September 2009...PMR is 7th October 2009
wow, a month away before the biggest mind-headache war!
what a NIGHTMARE !
today receive a lot of borang from school..well not so many at all..It just a borang untuk ke SBP, borang kursus selepas PMR kat Kolej Komuniti (KK) and borang lawatan ke Shah Alam..i just submit my name in the field trip to Shah Alam but not in the borang kursus kat KK..kursus yang ditawarkan oleh KK tu sangat tak menarik minat si budak sengal ni..well, if there is a language course, i sure will submit my name in it since i'm addicted to many kind of languages especially korean, japanese, frence and germany..( facts : people who is fluent/good in other languages used his left brain a lot !)
When the principle told us that PMR is just 1 month away, i felt like i would like it to start early (start early, ends early)..But when she said about the PMR trial exam result, I shockingly knew that there are 57 pupil among 157 PMR candidates that passed that exam..Istighfar banyak banyak..i ask my friends "mana perginye 100 tu"..( what a stupid question)
right now, no more laughing at class (well just a little is accepteble), takut ilmu hilang biler gelak banyak2 nanti leh lupe..dalam hadis pon ade cakap gelak banyak banyak boleh hilang ilmu..Pada bulan yang penuh dengan kerahmatan dan keberkatan ni marilah kita mengawal diri daripade tergelak2 dan yang penting sekali mengumpat, nanti sia sia jer puase kita.
p/s : selesai menulis borang ker SBP, sekarang ni tengah tunggu taklimat jer lagi hehehe
Friday, 4 September 2009
Facebooking, is fun~!
men facebook memang best..tah nape tetibe i'm stuck with facebook..maybe because of the silly quizes and farmville..
sebelum ni aq men la barn buddy, best mmg la best sbb kte leh curi2 and merosakkan tanaman owang len..tapi sekarang xdpt nak men game tu sbb laptop ayah aq tak de Adobe ape tah, aq men la farmville..eventhough game tu tak leh nak mencuri, game ni tetap best!

this is my farm!

resting area...look, it have pond!

Thursday, 3 September 2009
came home for a visit O.o !
what the hell i'm talking about?..ignore it, onegaishimasu!
minggu cuti telah pon berakhir tapi aq masih lagi mau cuti..sepanjang 3 ari kat sekolah aq rase cam nak mati jer..tido punye la lambat ; purata tido pade jam 1.30 pagi ;0..patut la kat sekolah nak tido je keje..ari ni aq hampir tertido mase science..tahan punye la tahan, lepas cikgu abis bingcang aq terus tido..bagus nyer budak dah la duk kat barisan depan, ade hati nak membute lak sampai habis mase rehat..
keputusan trial exam finally out !..Just get 5A and 3B but its okay, at least i learnt my lesson for being careless in math and tak bace buku agame langsung..last2, subjek yg selalu dapat A, jadik B..padan muke ko, sape suruh bajet x prepare for agame xp!
kedudukan dalam kelas : no 6
wah happy nyer aq, terlepas daripade genggaman nombor berbelas belas! but someone dissatisfied with it..
Siti bagitau aq yang dak minah ni tak puas ati aq nyer science A sebab science aq sepatutnye B..actually, aq peduli hapak kat minah tu, aq lagi menyumpah die ade minah yang tak tau malu desak owang kasi jawapan time prekse science until i felt like hell..she should be thankfull at me coz I (unwillingly) helped her during that exam..
yg wat aq lagi bengang apabile die cakap yang die tu lagi pandai daripade budak yang sepatutnye dapat 4A tau sape owang yg die maksudkan tu ; aku...
kalo boleh mmg aq nak balas macam ni ;
but, that word never came out from my mouth because i'm not a heartless person, like her..kalo ko pandai sangat kenape ko tanye jawapan kat aq and kalo betul la ko ni lagi pandai drpde aq asal science ko
leh dapat C?"
lagipon sekarang kan tengah bulan pose, so elok kite sabar daripade tambah dose lagi, betul tak? sekarang ni die tak puas hati ker aq malas nak layan memang dah masak dah dengan perangai die ni..
Sunday, 23 August 2009
yeah! aq dapat henfon baru! thanx to my sis (aq dapat bufday present awal lak eh)..memang best giler la..cantek kaler die..function die best giler taw..n let me tell u all that henfon aq ni laen dari yang laen :jenama CSL ( buatan negare sendiri) 2 sim kad..yg unik pasal henfon ni sebab die ader lampu kelip kelip ala lampu raya la..bagus jugak tu 2 sim kad, x yah susah susah aq nak pegang 2 henfon, betul tak?..tapi henfon idaman aq still sony ericson walkman phone tu..
semalam first day puase kire ok la..lepas balik kampung terus gi mydin..pastu balik umah kasi anak kucing minum..kire penat la gak tapi malam tdi buke memang special la.. mak masak lauk ketam masak lemak cili padi, ikan masak 3 rase, sup cendawan and dadih..wah sedap nyer!
sekarang ni tah nape aq suke men facebook..upload gambar bebanyak..ehehehe, ayah pon dah join facebook..tah biler la kengkawan aq ni nak wat fb yer?
Friday, 21 August 2009
trial its OVER !
habis jugak minggu penyeksaan aq..seksa giler la duk kat dewan..dah la kipas yang terdekat tak berfungsi, aq lak duk baris ke3 daripade dinding ( makne nyer x leh sandar kat dinding la!) tapi tak pe tak takde la terseksa mane pon..cume semalam jer, rase nak nangis jer pabile si minah depan aq ni begging kasi jawapan time science! memang geram giler la time tu
lepas habis exam kene lak kemas meje..tibe tibe datang lak si minah ni, tak tentu pasal die cakap kat aq "ye! english aq A!"..bertape menyampah nyer aq time jawab la " bagitau aq apehal, nak nunjuk ker?" pastu aq bla..tah dengar atau tidak, mampus same die..baru english jer, dah nak kecoh kecoh..nak blagak pon x bertempat..she think i don't get A in english sebab tu la die nak menunjuk depan aq..kalo aq ungkit pasal science paper 2 tu baru taw...
ari ni aq nanges pasal minah ni la..x tahan aq lgi dah..die wat aq terseksa mase pekse science tu..jumpe die time balik aq wat dunno jer..die still x sedar ape yang die dah wat sebab aq tw perangai sebenar si minah tu!
p/s : tadi ade accident motor la..tu la sape suruh wat pacak kat depan owang ramai..kan dah jatuh, sampai patah belakang motor die wat nyer..naseb baik penumpang ko tak cedera or mati..kalo tak, habis la ko kene tahan ngan polis sebab ko tu budak bawah umor ( xde lesen lak tu)
Thursday, 20 August 2009
owh, trial...
lame nyer tak update blog! last update pon 2 weeks sume gare gare aq dah malas tuk bukak and internet what hal..tapi biler aq pikir pikir balik, elok gak internet xde tempoh ari sampai slesai pekse sains baru ade balik...
trial ni kire ok la..dapat wat betul betul...kali kedua duk kat dewan menyebabkan aq dah tak fobia lagi hehehehe..kat dalam dewan aq leh ber'taichi' time jawab pekse, cam bagus jer..
hari ni pekse memang paling menggemparkan la..pekse sejarah aq tak tau senang ke susah.. aq tande jer soalan tu dengan tenangnye tapi bile dah sampai soalan no.40 ++, aq leh tertido kat dalam dewan tu..tapi nasib bek la dapat kawal..lepas jer habis jawab sume ni aq terus gi tido baguskan aq ni
sebelum science paper 2 start, aq n wanru g la study kat koperasi..wanru gitau aq yang die tak tau nak bace pon angguk la so kitowg pon saje saje la jawa soalan dalam buku rujukan tu..
alhamdulillah, soalan paper 2 tak susah sangat..lagi half of hour nak abis pekse, aq dah slesai jawab..pandang sekeliling, aq tgok budak laki kelas aq ni siap duk relax lagi tapi yang x tahan nyer diowg leh tido lak tu!
15 minutes before the exam ended macam hell aje..nape sebab budak yang duk depan aq ni die begging2 mintak jawapan for question no.7..tu la, kan aq dah suruh elok bace bab 6, 7 atau 8 sebab maybe kuar tapi yang ko gi sebuk bace pasal bab 9 ape pasal?
tapikan, die gi desak desak aq kasi jawapan la, nak tengok kertas la n macam macam tak kasi pon..even my paper i hold it tightly! aq bertekad tak nak gi taw tapi die still lagi desak aq..mentang mentang aq ni budak baek, ko wat macam ni kat aq..sampai hati ko! aq dalam keadaan tersepit gile le time tu..hanya tuhan saje yang tahu ape yang aq rase time tu..
after exam ended, aq gitaw siti and mmg rase serba salah sebab kasi jawapan kat die..bukannye aq rela pon! rase cam nak nangis jer..kalo la die tu duk belakang aq dah lame aq wat dunno kalo die panggil aq tapi nak wat camne, die duk depan aq..sabar je la!
balik jer, aq langsung tak mau tegur die..mampus la si minah tu! tak reti nak berusaha langsung!
aq nak nagis time tu tapi tahan jer..bertape sekse nyer aq x nak bagi die jawapan..cikgu2 lak dah syak ade peniruan berlaku kat dewan since kesemua budak kelas beta hingge sigma meniru..ade tu selambe badak jer leh bincang..dasyat tol diowang ni..ade sowang dak beta tanye aq jawapan tapi aq tak gitaw dah x sanggup la!
p/s : ustazah dah label si minah tu and kawan die sebab disyaki meniru dalam exam..bagus la tu!
Monday, 10 August 2009
bored till ...
okey, sudah sudah la 'opening' yg tah hape hape tu..dah la balik sekolah terus tersekat kat depan laptop..adek aq tengok crite Indiana gak criter tu..tak dapat tgok kat cinema, download kat internet..tah sape yg ajar adek aq ni yer..pastu aq try la main counter strike half life tu..asyik mampus jer biler men..lagi tambah tension aq.. owang kate men games release tension tapi tak pon..
aku nak cuti sampai trial! bohsan gi sekolah...tiap tiap ari mesti ade budak wat owg sakit ati..suker sangat wat owg sakit ati kan, tapi bile kiter wat die sakit ati tw laj marah..die pikir die tu pandai sangat la..ari ni sape cari pasal ngan aq memang kene tak hirau la sape budak tu, memang mood tak baek..dah la ari ni tah nape kak pengawas tu attack aq tunduk pon salah, wat ini pon salah..geram la pulak..budak depan aq siap leh pandang2 belakang and berborak, tak de lak die nak tegur..
ade budak cakap yg aq jeles sbb x jadi pengawas..huh?! what the? wat pe nak lagi syukur sesangat tak jadi pengwas kat sekolah ni..kalo aq jeles sesangat tu nape aq gi tolak tawaran jdik pengwas kan..
p/s: MRSM Terendak n SKKT1 dapat cuti seminggu..sekolah aq bile nak cuti ni!
Thursday, 6 August 2009
wanna know
dah masuk 3 ari aq pakai topeng..sangat tak selesa ! mase perhimpunan tu, semue owang pandang2 cam tak penah nampak owang..geram la kat diowang yang narrow minded ni, ade ke cakap aq pakai topeng muke sebab kne H1N1..rase nak jer gi sumpah seranah owang tu tapi sabar, takut puase sunat bulan sya'ban aq tak dapat berkat.
balik umah tengok mak masak ayam rempah..memang tak tahan la tengok ayam siap menjilat perencah ayam tu..tibe tibe, ayah tegur
ayah : bukan aisyah pose ker?
me : astaghfirullah!!
malam tu cam bese gi surau, sambut malam nisfu sya' siap pakai baju all black ; daripade tudung hingge ke kasut, sume hitam! aq memang suke sangat warne cool and mysterious! sebelum pergi aq siap berposing macam nak rak kat dalam bilik sowang2..biler akak masuk, terus cover line.
bilik q seperti baru lepas pillow fight jer ?
kat sane, jumpe die..agak hensem gak die tu..mule mule memang tak nak tegur sebab segan tapi biler nak balik tu terpakse tegur die..why? sebab kawan aq suruh aq kirim salam kat die..nak antar sms kat die tapi aq nyer kredit yang below RM1 ni menyebabkan aq kedekut nak antar mesej. so kene la cakap..tapi time aq tegur die tu, aq lak rase segan..sampai ape yang die cakapkan pon aq tak dapat nak dengar! maybe syok dengar suare die yang sangat lembut tu kot hehehe
today, 6 ogos 2009
masih lagi memakai topeng muke..ingat kan aq sowang jer kat sekolah yang pakai..tapi, tengok budak form 5 pon dah ade yang pakai..masuk kelas pon ingat kan aq n kamil yang pakai, rupe rupenye dak syafiq pon pakai..ari ni dak kamil lupe bawak topeng muke x dapat la die join the club..aiman and izzani pon pakai, tapi tanggal lak..dak izzani betul2 wat aq bengang..dah taw damam, pakai la topeng tu atau tok sah la dan cikgu sume dah pesan kat die sebab takut berjangkit demam die tu tapi tak jugak pakai..good thing aq pakai topeng tu everytime..
me : mane boleh ko wat pose sunat kalo pose ganti ko tak wat lagi?
she : yeker?
me : yela, pose ganti tu wajib wat so wajib habiskan yang pose wajib tu dulu..atau wat la pose ganti and sunat sekali ngan syarat niat ganti mesti dulu!
puas ya amat aq nak terangkan kat diowang..baru jer tahun lepas blajar dah lupe..yang sunat kejar, yang wajib ditinggalkan..tu ker manusia zaman ini? Syukur alhamdulillah pose ganti aq dah lame aq ganti..tak silap aq pade bulan Syawal gak aq pose ganti sekali ngan pose sunat 6 ari..tahun ni cadang nak ganti pose ( kalo ade yang tertinggal) time PMR..dapat la berkat sikit hehehe..
ari ni cube wat rubicks cube..dak kamil ajar q wat, wan ru pon ajar thomas pon ajar aq..memang best la wat..rehat sebelum kelas tambahan aq sebuk la wat rubicks cube ni..hampir nak dapat sume colour tapi ade due colour ni spoil la..puas aq nak betul kan tuk kasi same last last hancur.. dak kamarul lak gelak jer
Kamarul : bak la syah, aq nak lawan ngan Thomas
Thomas : yeah, give it you little distroyer!
me : jap, biau aq destroy bende ni dulu
sambil tengok budak due owang ni berlawan, dak thomas saje wat pengakuan..(tuk ganggu si Ryasdan tidur huhuhu)
Thomas : aq ade pengakuan nak wat, sebenarnye aq lah yang campak henfom ko (ryasdan) yang masuk sungai tu ke sungai
sume budak kat situ tergelak, aq pon same..dak Ryasdan lak gi pukul dak thomas sebab ganggu die tidur
Ryasdan : wei 5 minit jer wei..tolong la senyap aq nak tidur!
kitowang senyap tak sampai seminit pon pastu terus wat pengakuan yang merepek2 sampai si Thomas cakap yang die lah si mask magician, clark kent, and banyak lagi..ktowang memang gelak besau..rubicks cube tu lak terus diputar putar..( hampir geram men menatang ni sampai rase nak pecah kan je bende ni )
tu je la crite tuk ari ni and semalam..agak panjang and merepek tak tentu pasal..hahahaha
P/s : kawan aq ni punyer la susah bebenar cari blog aq kat blog salah sowang kawan lame aq dah tulis terang terang kat blog kawan lame aq tu, still tak jumpe ker?
Monday, 3 August 2009
Attention please !
keboringan masih lagi melande diriku ni..
ni nak citer pasal duit..heheh, duitRM50 lol !..
ok, tadi baru jer tngok duit baru RM50..cantek weh..still leh hidu bau duit baru hehehe..kalo tak caye, kowang suruh la parents kowang withdraw RM50..and then, tgok la duit tu..
tu jer! bye!!
p/s: dinasihatkan untuk mengambil vaksin inflenza A H1N1 di klinik atau di hospital yang berdekatan untuk mencegah daripada dijangkiti selesema babi!!..
Saturday, 1 August 2009
IU- 있잖아.. ( Itjanha/You Know..)

Eventhough still studying as a final year student in middle school, IU prove that she manage to release her 1st mini album "lost and Found" last year..This year, one of her song from her first mini album, "Itjanha" had being converted to rock version! I love this Rock Version!
p/s : she's really good in guitar..
more info

IU has a such deep voice that most people would find it hard to believe it comes from a young slender girl. These days many singers want to be a singers for the fame rather than for the love of the music, but IU mentioned that she wanted to sing that people may find their lost dreams through her songs. Before the release of this album, IU had already featured in various artistes’ songs, including those of Go Yoo Jin and Wanted. Famous Producers and Composers such us Choi Gap Won took part in the album, which has songs ranging from ballads to dance numbers. The title track, Missing Child is a ballad with electronic sounds and hip-hop rhythms, thus making it a hybrid-pop song. (
Monday, 27 July 2009
Genie by Girls Generation

After their big success as their song "gee" remain the No 1 in K-chart for 9 weeks in a row, Girls Generation is back with their 2nd mini album "sowoneul Malhaebwa (genie" or in english "tell me you wish" last month. Their catchy song, 'genie' are so lovely. You betcha all the girls looks so cute and preety. No doubt that their song are the top 3 in the K-chart. You go girls!
rain aren't suppose to be sad, it's can also mean happy
kelas tambahan, well cikgu tak de. 2/3 of the boys dah balik. the girls, duk je kat kelas. Maen! things get really funny when Kamil, Thomas, Ryasdan, Kamarul and Amin playing in the class. Ktowg gelak sampai tak tahan nak g tandas. Really funny. Rase cam nak pecah je perut ni. Pastu tengok Amin men rubiks cube. Memang capat la die wat. Sekejap je die wat.
pastu dengan teka teki ngan macam sengal pon wat ktowg bergelak ketawe. Memang rugi sape yang balik time ni!
bile nak balik cadang nak wat rundingan damai ngan aspury. cakap time balik tapi diowg tak muncul2. last2, mintak ari khamis ni. Ktowg pon ikut je lah. Nak wat esok x leh, ktowg xde kt skolh. so ari khamis la the best option that we have. Doa rundingan ni berjaye. X nak gado gado lagi!
entry semalam, post today
Wat ape? Senam robik. Department bapak aq wat senam robik weh. Kol 6.45 tu dah bla gi DP. Walaupon agak malas tapi wat gak la. But, when poco poco, aq cabut lari tak nak wat!
selesai pon dekat-dekat kol 9. Berjam jam la ktowg satu family duk kat DP tu. Ni sume gare gare nak tengok Harry Potter. But before that, enjoying meditarranean pizza at Pizza Hut. Emmm yummy!
Memang best la gi tgok harry potter tu. handsome gak yer Tom Riddle time remaje. Cute sesangat sangat! Draco lak nampak smart pakai suit hitam tu. Eventhough he's not that handsome, he looks really smart wearing that cloth.
Aq ni memang sker tgok budak laki pakai baju smart2. Looks so handsome and attractive. Hmm, no wonder my friends call me cerewet bab pilih boyfriend ni hahahaha
Sunday, 12 July 2009
kamera lme tu tgh repay sbb msuk cakap water proof tapi bler masuk air jer rosak..hmm nk publicity la tu..
kak mariam x tw pon ade kamere bru..mmg la, ayah beli kamere tu pon lepas antar die balik asrama tdi..
hehehe x sabar nk kasi kgkwn tgok..sure diowg tanye stu soklan "bape banyak kamere yg ko ade ni?"
Thursday, 9 July 2009
kredit mu habis bukan salah aku
pastu tbe2 lak mintak kapel ngan aq..dgn merayu rayu die..siap ckp mndi x basah, tdo x lene n mcm2 la yg same mkne dgn nye..pastu mintak gmbr la itu ini..ble aq suruh add kt myspace, xnk..maybe mke x sehensem mcm die ckp sbb tu la xnk add aq kt myspace..pastu mrajuk lak..what is this? nyampah lak..tnye pnye la tnye, rpe2 spupu kwn aq..geram lak kt kwn aq ni, biar jer spupu die ni men ambk no aq..nyampah..
tgh sebuk suruh aq kasi gmbr, tut tut talian tgok henfon aq ok jer..ah, bru aq tw..kredit die dh hbs..wah padan tw pon sbb krdit aq mmg dh lme hbs..x topup2 mmg sah krdt die dh mmg gelak besau la kt bilik td wahahahahahahahahahaha
tepon kwn aq yg lgi sowg..then crite kt die psl bnde ni..die ckp "wah ade hati nk kaco owg pnye" hehehe..die suruh aq, jgn layan pon..tpi aq layan gak sbb ske tgok krdt die agak nyampah sesangat la sbb x knl mke lgi nk ajk kapel..pikir aq ni ape..sng ckp ye? slagi x jmpe, x knl, x bersemuka jgn harap la aq nk kapel ngan die..hanye bdk yg aq knl, pnh jmpe, kwn lme, schoolmates or classmate bru boleh..
lgi pon, klo aq trime mamat tu mne lak aq nk campak my skelaton boyfriend tu? dah la duk sowang2 je kat makmal bio tu..kesian lak die kn..hehehehehe
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
last nite
hehehe best mmg best! tgok action die mmg btul2 mendebartkan.. rugi la aq x tgok yg transformers yg 1st...!!??
aq mmg x tgok lagi yg 1st movie tu..wlapon DVD ade kat umah, didownload oleh adik aq, aq still x tgok.. rse nyesal lak kn..xpe, nnt klo ade mse tgok la blik..hehehe
harry potter and the half blood prince, akn kuar 17 julai ni..spe nk tmn kn aq? time tu spupu aq dh blk sremban la!!
Friday, 3 July 2009
round round round
Friday, 12 June 2009
Adakah patut aku gelar die 'Pakcik'?
Nama die tok sah la nak tulis. Takut karang si pembace ni kenal la pulak. Ok la, disebabkan dah lame tak jumpe die (last jumpe ermm bulan lepas kot) aku tengok die memang berubah tahap gile! Yela tetiba je die pakai cermin mata! Aku pandang die kejap and pikir sejenak. Muka die macam Pakcik la. Tak pe la, dilemma orang rabun macam aku. Muke lawa/hensem tapi pakai cermin mate kurang sikit la pulak.
Nak tergelak pon ade jugak. Dah la biarlah die dengan glass nye. At least die pakai tak macam aku ni rabun tapi malas pakai cermin mata. Pakai pon time kat sekolah and jalan2. Rimas la! Habis tudung aku kembang pakai cermin mate.
Kalau boleh nak je cakap yang die ade rupe pakcik bile pakai cermin mata. Tentu die segan gile hahahahaha (kejamnye aku ni yer..?)
Monday, 8 June 2009
Lets talk about love (english translation)
Let's talk about love (English TRANSLATION)
Are you waiting to hear the words I'm sorry
Are you hurting because you can't understand his complicated heart?
Don't expect him to change, just accept him as he is
Some day, he will try harder on his own for you
Look for the light far from the darkness that dwells in this separation
That name shining brighter than anything else in this world
Let's talk about love
With your patient faith and gentle heart
Please forgive his mistakes
If you just believe
Even if your pain grows as much as you've loved, don't back down
In the name of love
Do you grow farther apart as you get closer?
Don't make any more excuses that will cause pain through unspoken reasons, and just embrace her
When you shed painful tears in times of trouble, don't give up
That name shining brighter than anything else in this world
Let's talk about love
With your honest hope and humble heart
Tell her first, your confession of love
If you just believe
She's the most precious girl in this world
Don't ever lose her, in the name of love
This love that the world cannot offer is always by our side
In our courage, baby just believe
With unchanging love and eternal happiness
We will become blessed as one
If we just believe
Even if pain comes to us once more
I strongly believe we will overcome them
In the name of love
힘들어하는 연인들을 위해 by 소녀시대
Tajuk ni berdasarkan tajuk lagu So Nyeo Shi Dae/Girls Generation. Tak de kaitan dengan diri aku tapi sedaya upaya nak paham lirik die. Yang aku paham ialah 'lets talk abou love', 'saranghye' and 'just belive'. Kenelah belajar korea betul2.
Aku akan cube tuk paham lirik die. Manela tau kot2 lirik die pasal aku ni. Ceh, perasan.
otaku desu ne
Semalam akak aku ade beli 3 buah komik yang best gile. Hari ni lak die beli 2 buah komik lagi + majalah arena. Memang sah akak aku ni nak habiskan cutinye dengan bace komik. Lame gile la die cuti. Tunggu result masuk U mane pon lambat. Tu la, best jadi budak asasi. Setahun jer pastu terus ambik ijazah. Tak macam diploma, sampai tiga tahun kene belajar baru leh wat ijazah. Jimat mase wei!
Ni la list komik yang aku bace time cuti ni..
-Zaman Gadis
-Pelayan Rahsia
-Penguin Prince
-Peramal Masa Depan
-Putera di Balik Tabir
-Kemasyhuran Putera di Balik Tabir
-Hati yang kacau
-Anti Chocolate
-Organisasi Rahsia Sekolah
Sunday, 7 June 2009
the new era hahahaha
Penah jugak aku berangan keadaan dunie ni macam dalam anime code geass tu. Argh kalo macam tu mane nak aman dunie kalo Brittania tak habis2 nak tawan satu dunie kan. Tapi best jaugak kalo The Order of The Black Knight tu wujud kan. Leh aku jadi pemandu 'mecha' ni and musnahkan musuh!! hohohohohohoho..
Pastu berangan jadi ahli 'student council' macam dalam dram jepun n korea tu. Best la jugak dapat status and jawatan yang tinggi sangat daripada pengawas kat sekolh hehehe. Beserta dengan jadi agen atau ahli pemberontakkan macam Kallen Stedfell dalam anime code geass tu (tak habis2 anime ni).
Ape nak wat kan. Aku punye imaginasi ni memang dasar tinggi betul. Imaginasi nak ade pakwe macam aktor korea tu pon ade jugak hahahahahaha. Ala, sume owang ade hak la nak imagine ape2 kan. Tapi yang best nye aku dapat imagine yang aku bunuh someone yang aku tak suke. Wah BEST NYER KALAU BETUL-BETUL WUJUD!!! hehehehe
Sunday, 19 April 2009
x pnh blajr dr kesilapn
die nk ke owg pulau kn die mcm thn lps? mmg sah x reti blajar dr kesilapn. dh la klo ade kwn len trus tggl kn kwn ngn die lyn cam bdk kecik tu. kecian die. bdk tu pon makin meluat lak ngn die.
aq ngn die ade kale nye ok kdg2 x ok pon. aq pon gram jgk la ngn die ni. tpi sbr je la. lg stahun jer aq skelas ngn die, thn dpn aq x nk jmpe die lg dah.
die la ngn slalu jer nk menang je n aq la slalu kne mngalh ngn die. hah, bgus pon time kt MSAM tu aq x jln ngn die. klo x ade la bnde yg die nk demand.
t'ingin nk rempit
sehari kt JB (pnat gler!!)
ronda2 keje dpt tu dpt ni. berat tgn memikul nye. dak fara lak x hbs2 nk blk2 tah ape yg die nk kejar kt dlm bas tu pon aq x tw tp ktowg wat dunno n jln la slow2.
sblm tu jmpe lak dk adie putra, bkn plakon tu yer ni si metamatik genius yg umor 10 thn yer. mte q mmg bulat gle la tgk bdk tu solve matematik tnpe gne kalkulator pon. tere2.
hbs ronda2 skitar pameran tu, ktowg brehat sbntr bli KFC jap n then blk umah tpi sblm tu makan dlu kt khemah
disbbkn nk g mlabur kt mrs tan, ktowg trus g msuk mall kjap. tndas diowg berbayr, t'pkse kluarkn 20 sen wlapon x mhl sgt pon then aq jln trus ke tnds sblm aq menyedari yg aq bakal msuk tndas laki! nasib bek x msuk lg. diowg sume gelak kn aq.
mne la aq tw klo jln trus je g tnds laki. tndas die dh la plik smacm. disbbkn aq dh bese jln trus msuk tndas, aq hmpir memalukn dri sndri. sabar je la hahahahaha
dlm bas tu aq borak la mcm2 ngn fara n shiema. pluang ngn ade jgn di sie2 kn, dh la diowg kls beta n kls diowg jauh ssh nk b'tegur spe. pas2 dak shiema crite la cmne dk *a*i* usha die. wlapon diowg dh putus tpi dak shiema still ske die lg. mmg jahanam btol dak *a*i* tu! ikut sgt ckp gf ko yg lg stu tu.
borak pnye la borak tbe2 aq t'bkk stu rhsie kt diowg. tnye pnye la tnye, aq t'pkse gtw diowg tpi nsb bek la diowg ni mmg leh trusted dri dlu lg. so that means diowg je yg tw secret aq. bdk kls aq sowg pon x tw. mmg bgus pon.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
a love to kill
love can kill, btol spe ckp x leh bnuh owg. disebbkn cinta ni la owg gaduh smpai bnh2. ade lak bnh diri sbb ptus cnta. ade lak g bnh gf die psl cinta gak. waduh, mmg cinta ni mmbnh tol
love is hopeless, apsal x leh diharp? sbb klo dh cinta tu kowg dh b'mimpi diawang- awangan smpai jd manusia yg hopeless..
love is hurt. spe ckp die x pnh dilukekn time b'cnta tu mmg sah dasar pnipu bsau. time ni la kowg nyk kli dilukekn olh gf/bf kowg. smpai dh brake pon ko leh trase luke yg mendlm tu..
love is hatred. cbe pkir time kowg tgh syok b'cnte tbe2 jer putus n then kowg bnci die plk. so its vice versa la. benci lme2 cinta, cinta lme2 bnci..
kowg nk ker cinta yg cm ni?? sure x nk kn. so mle2 blajr la dlu,kwn dlu,knl prangai die bru la kowg b'cinte yer. jgn la bru knl trus kapel. hasilnye mcm ape yg aq tlis ni. so a love can be murder!!
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
npe juz 2 ari jer?
klo all form 3 g make hncur la program ni.nk tw npe?? sbb ktowg kne cmpur ngn bdk hjjg yg btol2 b' yg xske ni.tpi dh pngetua bru srh so wat jelh.xleh nk bngkang la..sabar je la lyn diowg sume dri dlu anti yg bdk kls hjjg ni especially boys..mlampau btul n truk btul!! dah la gatal n ske kasi masalh kt form 3 ni..geram je!!
thn je la 4 2 days ni..tpi knape xwat 3 ari?? form 5 siap smpai 3 ari lak tu..dah la wat kt sg la tu!! xaci sdyh~~ ni yg aq tol2 x puas hati..hmm tpi what ever la sbb nnt ade lwatn ker jb..hahahaha spe ahli klb kewangn n pelaburan bjk je la yg g ..bgge2 aq jd member 4 that society moral nye (siap ade moral value ni) stiap bnde ade hikmah nye kn...
Balik dari...
"Forward la mesej ini jika anda tak nak....."
Mase tengah tuggu orderku sampai. My whole family chatting about what-do-u-want-to-know. Tengah rancak berborak tibe2 jer mesej masuk. Check la kejap kan. Maybe ade something important la kan but this is not important at all! After I open it, I realised that this is stupid-forward-message.
kandungannya berbunyi lebih kurang gini la "....anda hantar, 2 jam kemudian anda akan mendapat khabar berita yang baik jika tidak, musibah akan melanda..bla bla bla"
Aku terus ignore mesej bodoh tu but a few minutes later, I got the same message from my other friends. This make me pissed of. Tak ku sangke kawan aku ni bodoh sangat. Leh percaye lak mesej tu. So stupid. Do they use their head or what?
Kadang2 mau gelak aku dibuatnyer. Diowang gi percaye mesej tu bulat2. Ini ker namenyer budak yang duk kelas first? Kamu semua ada otak tuk berfikir whether that stupid chain message is true or what. Kamu takut ditimpa musibah ker kalo tak forward kan mesej ni? Percaye la mesej ni, percaye la. Sampai bile2 pon kamu akan ditipu.
p/s : Forward mesej ni tak kesah la ape bentuk kandungannya. Orang yg duk gi forward kan mesej ni please la pikir dulu. Dah la rugi duit, wat penuhkan inbox owang lak tu!
AKB48 - River
The largest girl group in Japan, AKB48 consist with 48 members but now just 42 left. Suddenly I'm addicted to Japan song, some of them are anime OST. Well right now I don't know what anime should I watch. Want to re-download Vampire Knight and also want to buy their comic book.
By the way, hope u guys enjoy it.

Sleepy as usual. I knew that the UKKM is today but I still don't sleep until 2 am in the morning. ( speaking of 2AM, it remind me of Korean ballad boy group,2AM. When 2AM going to release their next album?) When I woke in the morning, my head feels heavy and my eyes can't open. I went to the mirror and shockingly I saw my face looks exactly like a panda ;)
I wearing the school uniform early and after that doze to sleep. I got a short nap ( is it nap or sleeping coz I don't think that people take a nap during the morning) and had a wonderful dream about my favourite anime ( don't know why I dreamt about Ouran High School Host Club, maybe b'coz I had a long conversation with my friend, Wan Ru about how will Kyoya react when he find someone that he love. It's so funny when we imagine about it! )
Long story being short, I successfully answer all of those questions. Math was so hard. So hard enough until I had to use pakai hentam punye method. Science was about 50/50 but not as hard as Math. Ujian Keperibadian? Well let just says that this test is quite funny. The questions consist of our point of view and it also ask about Rosyam Nor's characteristic and Upin Ipin! ( can you imagine that,they even ask about Upin Ipin! ) B'coz of that, I had to answer these 2 questions while trying not to laugh out loud!
picture of today : Kyoya Otori from Ouran High School Host Club. The evil side of him makes him looks so charm and COOL!!
As I sitting infront of the laptop, I thought about how on earth I make those people suffer from my foolishness. I admit i'm wrong. But, I couldn't help it. My feelings always come and go. I never felt love. Never. Only 'admire'. I just admire him. I'm sorry. I like you but I don't love you. Please forgive my mistake. I hope you will find someone that love you as you love her.
Words can be cruel, Itsn't it?
4 fun
1. Put your iTune
2. For each quest
3. You must write
4. Put any comme
5.For best resul
1. If someo
2. How would
3. What do you like in a girl / boy?
Honey - Kara
4. How do you feel today
5. What is your life'
6. What is your motto
Tell me your wish - Girls Generation/SNSD
7. What do your frien
Juliette - SHINee
8. What do you think
A.Mi.Go - SHINee
9. What do you think
Heartbeat - 2PM
10. What is 2 + 2?
11. What do you think
13. What is your life story
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ring Ding Dong - SHINee
15. What do you think
Love Like This - SS501
16. What will you dance
Wanna - Kara
18. What is your bigge
I Hope - FT Island
19. What is your bigge
20. What do you think
21. What will you post this as?
Sebab kamu la, aku kena duduk di bawah pancaran matahari
Playing in the rain, yeah I loving it !
Hari ini hujan menggila lah ! Seronok dapat mandi hujan, walaupon kene marah ngan Teacher Mona. Sorry eh teacher, saye nak enjoy kejap ( melayan perasaan sekali ).
Hampir basah bajuku dibuatnye. Ala, sekali sekala. Bukannya haram pon main hujan. Opps, bukan main hujan tapi mandi la hahaha. Bila lagi masanya untuk kita enjoy alam semulajadi ni kan. Kita bukannya tahu bila kita akan mati. Jadi, amatlah penting kita menikmati saat2 indah bersama. Manfaatkannya dengan perkara yang faedah. Jangan la pulak kamu semua pergi buat kerja tah hape2 kat luar sana tu. Memalukan mak bapak adalah.
Okay, back to the topic.
bila bujan start turun, aku apa lagi keluar dari dewan yang sebenarnye kelas tu. Wah best seyh. Tapi lama2 sejuk la pulak. Kire ok la kan sebab aku pakai baju sukan. Demam pon apa aku kesah sebab esok aku tak pergi sekolah. Aku ponteng !
Actually, esok aku gi UKM. Temankan mak aku gi jemput akak aku yang baru habis exam. Punyala cepat nak balik rumah. Almaklumlah, orang yang tak pernah duk asrama dan tak suka duk asrama, sering cari peluang tuk keluar dari asrama tuk balik rumah. Tak pe lah. Atleast die duk kat asrama tu setahun jer. Lepas tu, die nak duduk kat rumah baru. Tak aci ni. Aku pon nak gak duk kat rumah baru tu. Leh la aku gi sekolah kat Bangi jer terus.
Tapi apa nak wat. Hati masih disini lagi. Walaupon menjerit nak tinggalkan tempat ini, aku masih lagi duduk di sini. Macam sengal lak aku ni yer
Girls, are we ladies, yet ?

center from left : Jane, Sazrina, Suriani, Aisyah ( me ), Yap Wan Ru, Izzati Shafri, Zahiera
Bottome from left : Mardiana, Hazimah Farahin, Adilah, Shiema, Amalina
Pedulikan tajuk post ini. Budak skema datang menulis. Tepuk la sikit ( jangan lebih sudah )
Tak de cerite best la. Semuanye takat boring punye cerita. Ternyata lepas PMR ni, ramai la pasangan pasangan bahagia muncul. Mentang-mentang la PMR dah habis, korang leh enjoy la dating2 ni yer. Tempat tak startegik langsung. Dalam dewan jugak korang nak dating. Tak romantik la !
Kalau dah terang-terang korang couple tok sah la nak berdalih lagi. Tak kan la takut kot ? Semua orang sudah tahu so tok sah la kamu sebuk menafikan yer. Pikir kamu tu artis popular Malaysia ker ?
Pelik betul la aku 2 orang kawan aku ni. Sangat pelik. Budak lain pon couple gak kan tapi mana ada diowang sorok2 kan. Takut cikgu tahu ? Cikgu tahu pon biarkan je la. Janganlah pikir yang cikgu ni tak pernah couple time sekolah. Open la sikit wahai 2 orang kawan ku.
Bila aku tanye, sebuk cakap 'tak de pape'. Aku bukan busy body, sebuk nak tahu semua bende macam korang but a friend need to know. Ape namenye kawan kalau la pasal couple ni pon nak rahsiakan. Takut orang kritik ker ?
Contoh pasangan bahagia di Form 3, si A dan si B, si H dan si J, si P dan si Q, cikgu tahu la pasal diowang ni. Tapi ade cikgu masuk campur ? Tak ada. Hak peribadi. Hal personal la. Cikgu pon tak mahu ganggu privasi orang.
So ape yang korang takutkan sampai sanggup menipu kami semua ?
Arigatou my friend
A very interesting blogger layout, all thanks to my friend miss Yasmeen, who gave me this lovely layout ! Gonna miss you story dear friend. Why did you deleted your blog. I love reading your blog. So sad la !
Just hoping that she will create a new blogger account. I really wanted to read her interesting stories It inspired me okay !
Okay, tomorrow will be heading to Shah Alam. My sis said " ade ape yang best kat Shah Alam tu ?" Well, how should I know right. The main reason why I want to join that trip is just wanna to kill my time. So bored going to school. Is the any interesting competition held on rather then just mouth-spliting day ? Hmm, I still don't have the answer yet.
Hot vampires are out this month!
Well, this holiday is gonna be fun. I bet for this ya know that! There's gonna be cool, exciting, superb movies this holiday and just can't wait to watch it, with my mouth full of popcorn.
Okey already, stop with this movies insanity!
This month can't make me sit down properly. The adrenalin is high! Not just this month will makes my papa turn 50, this is also the month that I can meet my lovely, darling vampire!
Talking about vampire, New Moon is headed its way to cinema! Can't wait for this! I already ask my niece to take me to the cinema and watch this superb movie!
I love it poster! Superbly gorgeous!

Kepentingan diri sendiri, DIUTAMAKAN.
Serik. Aku memang serik. Selama ni aku kerap menjaga perasaan mereka kerana aku tidak mahu mereka terluka. Mengabaikan diri sendiri dan mementingkan mereka. Mereka aku utamakan. Tapi, bagaimana pula diri aku ?
When I think about it, it doesn't give me anything. Apa yg aku dapat ialah penyeksaan, kekecewaan dengan keputusan aku yg sebuk menjaga hati dan perasaan mereka. Ade mereka kesah pasal aku ? Tidak. Rupanya, aku macam terhegeh hegeh kat mereka. Aku sedar dari mimpi. Mereka mempergunakan aku.
Beranggapan bahawa aku akan sentiasa memaafkan mereka, mereka terus menyakiti diriku. Mereka sangat pentingkan diri mereka sendiri ! Dengan memanipulasikan keadaan sekeliling, mereka telah 'menyakinkan' aku untuk tidak mementigkan diriku sendiri. Membuatkanku sentiasa mementingkan mereka. Utamakan kepentingan mereka. Tanpa disedari, aku 'berjaya' dipermainkan oleh mereka untuk kepentingan mereka.
Jadi tidak salah la kalau aku mementingkan diriku ini. Janji aku dapat apa yg aku nak. Sama ada mereka menghina atau mencerca keputusan aku ini, aku tetap utamakan kepentingan diri sendiri.
Walaupon aku terpaksa memanipulasi keadaan...
Skipping School
Hari ni aku malas nak gi sekolah. Listening to ceramah is so irritating my ears ! I told my mom about it. Syukur la mak aku kasi hehe. Rumah still under construction. Cat sana cat sini, sume sudut kat umah aku ni nak kene cat. Bagus la kan, our house transformation. My house has an attic lol, best nyer ! Bila bende ni sume dah siap leh aku lepak kat attick tu. hehehe
Tadi Wan Ru datang umah. Men internet sambil berborak same same. Best gak tu. Actually, kitowg dah komplot dah tak nak datang sekolah ari ni. Yela, boring la duk sekolah. Kalo tak leh duk kat Koop, kene duk kat dewan, dengar ceramah. Argh ! Tak de ker aktiviti yang best huh ? Bosan la tiap tiap ari cam ni.
Well, crite sikit pasal bola. MU kalah. Kesian seyh kawan kawan ku yang minat MU. Aku peduli hape sape yang menang. Ade aku peduli ? Kalo bola kan, aku tak minat pon team ni. Tak main la. Aku just sokong team nak menang jer. Hahahaha. contoh la: Chealsy lawan Arsenal. Dalam separuh mase Chealsy 0, Arsenal 2, confirm aku sokong Arsenal. Walaupon aku ni bukan peminat Arsenal, aku akan sokong team tu kalo team tu nak menang. Cam bagus lak aku ni. Wahahahaha
my real long lost friend
my confession
english when writing is so skema!
hari itu merupakan hari yang agak memenatkan. During recess, sebuk meminta sijil KoKu. ni sume gare gare sekumpulan budak laki yg nak mohon ke MTD. b'coz of this, I pergi mintak sijil tu sowang2..the girls still donno yet, but after i received it they asking me lot of question!
well this is a fasting month right and pupil should went home early. But things aren't the same here. The form 3 student had to go extra class just to take exam trial Mathematics paper 2 from Kelantan. Luckily, the extra class just for math only and we do it once a week. Who wants to spen their time in school all day long?
The application to MRSM is a 'hot' news among MRSM fans. All of us already prepares the document require to take the pin no eventhough the opening date is a week after raya. Semangat la katakan hahahaha.
Tuesday, 15 september
yesterday it just the simple-old-days. So bored. Nothing to do. Every classes doing the state trial exam all day long. I really need a break. Syukur sesangat sangat when cikgu geografi tak masuk kelas ! Like I said, I need a break. Suddenly, the spirit of studying disappear. I wonder around the class and the next thing i do is chatting with the boys.
is quite enjoyable when we talk to our friends. it release the tention in our mind. Tapi, yesterday aq jadi lagi tension! Can u imagine a group of boys suddenly force u to tell who is the person that u like? Memang segan nak gitau tapi why should I? he is not studying here, he study at another school and most of my friends don't know him.
first of all i gave them the discription of that boy ; he is tall and white, wears blue shirt ( a prefect ) and a songkok, sometimes wears a spectacles. Most importantly, he is kind and ....
then, they ask me what is his first letter of his name. well, this part is strictly confidential to show on this blog. Hontouni gomennasai!
it's hard for them to know so they bring Syafiq and Kamarul along. With these two help them, they know who is that boy. Kamarul said that the boy had asking him a question about math during our visit to his school. Syafiq told them that I had told him that the boy is so kind! Both of them know his name.
well, that it for today. I want to take a nape coz tonight kene gi kiamullai. today story is not so interesthing so i will not post it hear. One more thing, tomorrow I skip school! when to Bangi to pick up my sis in UKM. But the next day, had to go to school. Lots of school starts their holiday this friday but why my school still school on that day?
mase kat sekolah tadi kene jumpe our dear principle..sume ni pasal trial pmr..first2 dengar je la beliau berucap...lame lame, die tengok setiap keputusan pelajar pelajar harapan ni..
the first person that she called its me..she asked why my math got B..well, i smiled and said "cuai cikgu hehehe"..then she asked about my P.I, this time i took my breath and said "saye tak bace and tak ingat cikgu" bagusnye ayat aku ni yer..
Yang bagusnye pengetua lagik menaikan semangat aq adelah..she a good matter what happen, she always gives advice at student, especially the PMR and SPM students..Syukur alhamdulillah dapat pengetua cam die ni!
awaken from slumber
sejak kebelakangan ni aku selalu ngantuk kat kelas terutamanye waktu pagi..tah nape aku ngantuk giler..biler malam jer mata terbeliak luas..biler pikir pikir balik, i'm a nocternerl or what ?
no spirit at school...not at my mind "sleeping~sleeping~SLEEPING !"...thanks god cause there are lot's of work to do today..atleast i can do some work reather then sleeping until the sun is up..
my essay, gosh still not finished yet !..biler cikgu suruh wat soklan trial MRSM Geografi..wat laju laju sampai tak sempat nak bace ape soalan die..siap jer wat bende tu terus wat essay..i'm such a 'good' student right...
talkative, one of my sweetest and annoying such a talkative person right now..what i do is just sitting in the chair doing work or just play dead in the stage filled with actor and actress..what a sad play :( ; the main character of the play had died shockingly without even noticed by the other characters
hmm, so that is why there's a 'young-pure-blood vampire' in the play, and that young vampire is the dead-main character of the play...wahahahahaha
me, a vampire?
today, 7th September 2009...PMR is 7th October 2009
wow, a month away before the biggest mind-headache war!
what a NIGHTMARE !
today receive a lot of borang from school..well not so many at all..It just a borang untuk ke SBP, borang kursus selepas PMR kat Kolej Komuniti (KK) and borang lawatan ke Shah Alam..i just submit my name in the field trip to Shah Alam but not in the borang kursus kat KK..kursus yang ditawarkan oleh KK tu sangat tak menarik minat si budak sengal ni..well, if there is a language course, i sure will submit my name in it since i'm addicted to many kind of languages especially korean, japanese, frence and germany..( facts : people who is fluent/good in other languages used his left brain a lot !)
When the principle told us that PMR is just 1 month away, i felt like i would like it to start early (start early, ends early)..But when she said about the PMR trial exam result, I shockingly knew that there are 57 pupil among 157 PMR candidates that passed that exam..Istighfar banyak banyak..i ask my friends "mana perginye 100 tu"..( what a stupid question)
right now, no more laughing at class (well just a little is accepteble), takut ilmu hilang biler gelak banyak2 nanti leh lupe..dalam hadis pon ade cakap gelak banyak banyak boleh hilang ilmu..Pada bulan yang penuh dengan kerahmatan dan keberkatan ni marilah kita mengawal diri daripade tergelak2 dan yang penting sekali mengumpat, nanti sia sia jer puase kita.
p/s : selesai menulis borang ker SBP, sekarang ni tengah tunggu taklimat jer lagi hehehe
Facebooking, is fun~!
men facebook memang best..tah nape tetibe i'm stuck with facebook..maybe because of the silly quizes and farmville..
sebelum ni aq men la barn buddy, best mmg la best sbb kte leh curi2 and merosakkan tanaman owang len..tapi sekarang xdpt nak men game tu sbb laptop ayah aq tak de Adobe ape tah, aq men la farmville..eventhough game tu tak leh nak mencuri, game ni tetap best!

this is my farm!

resting area...look, it have pond!

came home for a visit O.o !
what the hell i'm talking about?..ignore it, onegaishimasu!
minggu cuti telah pon berakhir tapi aq masih lagi mau cuti..sepanjang 3 ari kat sekolah aq rase cam nak mati jer..tido punye la lambat ; purata tido pade jam 1.30 pagi ;0..patut la kat sekolah nak tido je keje..ari ni aq hampir tertido mase science..tahan punye la tahan, lepas cikgu abis bingcang aq terus tido..bagus nyer budak dah la duk kat barisan depan, ade hati nak membute lak sampai habis mase rehat..
keputusan trial exam finally out !..Just get 5A and 3B but its okay, at least i learnt my lesson for being careless in math and tak bace buku agame langsung..last2, subjek yg selalu dapat A, jadik B..padan muke ko, sape suruh bajet x prepare for agame xp!
kedudukan dalam kelas : no 6
wah happy nyer aq, terlepas daripade genggaman nombor berbelas belas! but someone dissatisfied with it..
Siti bagitau aq yang dak minah ni tak puas ati aq nyer science A sebab science aq sepatutnye B..actually, aq peduli hapak kat minah tu, aq lagi menyumpah die ade minah yang tak tau malu desak owang kasi jawapan time prekse science until i felt like hell..she should be thankfull at me coz I (unwillingly) helped her during that exam..
yg wat aq lagi bengang apabile die cakap yang die tu lagi pandai daripade budak yang sepatutnye dapat 4A tau sape owang yg die maksudkan tu ; aku...
kalo boleh mmg aq nak balas macam ni ;
but, that word never came out from my mouth because i'm not a heartless person, like her..kalo ko pandai sangat kenape ko tanye jawapan kat aq and kalo betul la ko ni lagi pandai drpde aq asal science ko
leh dapat C?"
lagipon sekarang kan tengah bulan pose, so elok kite sabar daripade tambah dose lagi, betul tak? sekarang ni die tak puas hati ker aq malas nak layan memang dah masak dah dengan perangai die ni..
yeah! aq dapat henfon baru! thanx to my sis (aq dapat bufday present awal lak eh)..memang best giler la..cantek kaler die..function die best giler taw..n let me tell u all that henfon aq ni laen dari yang laen :jenama CSL ( buatan negare sendiri) 2 sim kad..yg unik pasal henfon ni sebab die ader lampu kelip kelip ala lampu raya la..bagus jugak tu 2 sim kad, x yah susah susah aq nak pegang 2 henfon, betul tak?..tapi henfon idaman aq still sony ericson walkman phone tu..
semalam first day puase kire ok la..lepas balik kampung terus gi mydin..pastu balik umah kasi anak kucing minum..kire penat la gak tapi malam tdi buke memang special la.. mak masak lauk ketam masak lemak cili padi, ikan masak 3 rase, sup cendawan and dadih..wah sedap nyer!
sekarang ni tah nape aq suke men facebook..upload gambar bebanyak..ehehehe, ayah pon dah join facebook..tah biler la kengkawan aq ni nak wat fb yer?
trial its OVER !
habis jugak minggu penyeksaan aq..seksa giler la duk kat dewan..dah la kipas yang terdekat tak berfungsi, aq lak duk baris ke3 daripade dinding ( makne nyer x leh sandar kat dinding la!) tapi tak pe tak takde la terseksa mane pon..cume semalam jer, rase nak nangis jer pabile si minah depan aq ni begging kasi jawapan time science! memang geram giler la time tu
lepas habis exam kene lak kemas meje..tibe tibe datang lak si minah ni, tak tentu pasal die cakap kat aq "ye! english aq A!"..bertape menyampah nyer aq time jawab la " bagitau aq apehal, nak nunjuk ker?" pastu aq bla..tah dengar atau tidak, mampus same die..baru english jer, dah nak kecoh kecoh..nak blagak pon x bertempat..she think i don't get A in english sebab tu la die nak menunjuk depan aq..kalo aq ungkit pasal science paper 2 tu baru taw...
ari ni aq nanges pasal minah ni la..x tahan aq lgi dah..die wat aq terseksa mase pekse science tu..jumpe die time balik aq wat dunno jer..die still x sedar ape yang die dah wat sebab aq tw perangai sebenar si minah tu!
p/s : tadi ade accident motor la..tu la sape suruh wat pacak kat depan owang ramai..kan dah jatuh, sampai patah belakang motor die wat nyer..naseb baik penumpang ko tak cedera or mati..kalo tak, habis la ko kene tahan ngan polis sebab ko tu budak bawah umor ( xde lesen lak tu)
owh, trial...
lame nyer tak update blog! last update pon 2 weeks sume gare gare aq dah malas tuk bukak and internet what hal..tapi biler aq pikir pikir balik, elok gak internet xde tempoh ari sampai slesai pekse sains baru ade balik...
trial ni kire ok la..dapat wat betul betul...kali kedua duk kat dewan menyebabkan aq dah tak fobia lagi hehehehe..kat dalam dewan aq leh ber'taichi' time jawab pekse, cam bagus jer..
hari ni pekse memang paling menggemparkan la..pekse sejarah aq tak tau senang ke susah.. aq tande jer soalan tu dengan tenangnye tapi bile dah sampai soalan no.40 ++, aq leh tertido kat dalam dewan tu..tapi nasib bek la dapat kawal..lepas jer habis jawab sume ni aq terus gi tido baguskan aq ni
sebelum science paper 2 start, aq n wanru g la study kat koperasi..wanru gitau aq yang die tak tau nak bace pon angguk la so kitowg pon saje saje la jawa soalan dalam buku rujukan tu..
alhamdulillah, soalan paper 2 tak susah sangat..lagi half of hour nak abis pekse, aq dah slesai jawab..pandang sekeliling, aq tgok budak laki kelas aq ni siap duk relax lagi tapi yang x tahan nyer diowg leh tido lak tu!
15 minutes before the exam ended macam hell aje..nape sebab budak yang duk depan aq ni die begging2 mintak jawapan for question no.7..tu la, kan aq dah suruh elok bace bab 6, 7 atau 8 sebab maybe kuar tapi yang ko gi sebuk bace pasal bab 9 ape pasal?
tapikan, die gi desak desak aq kasi jawapan la, nak tengok kertas la n macam macam tak kasi pon..even my paper i hold it tightly! aq bertekad tak nak gi taw tapi die still lagi desak aq..mentang mentang aq ni budak baek, ko wat macam ni kat aq..sampai hati ko! aq dalam keadaan tersepit gile le time tu..hanya tuhan saje yang tahu ape yang aq rase time tu..
after exam ended, aq gitaw siti and mmg rase serba salah sebab kasi jawapan kat die..bukannye aq rela pon! rase cam nak nangis jer..kalo la die tu duk belakang aq dah lame aq wat dunno kalo die panggil aq tapi nak wat camne, die duk depan aq..sabar je la!
balik jer, aq langsung tak mau tegur die..mampus la si minah tu! tak reti nak berusaha langsung!
aq nak nagis time tu tapi tahan jer..bertape sekse nyer aq x nak bagi die jawapan..cikgu2 lak dah syak ade peniruan berlaku kat dewan since kesemua budak kelas beta hingge sigma meniru..ade tu selambe badak jer leh bincang..dasyat tol diowang ni..ade sowang dak beta tanye aq jawapan tapi aq tak gitaw dah x sanggup la!
p/s : ustazah dah label si minah tu and kawan die sebab disyaki meniru dalam exam..bagus la tu!
bored till ...
okey, sudah sudah la 'opening' yg tah hape hape tu..dah la balik sekolah terus tersekat kat depan laptop..adek aq tengok crite Indiana gak criter tu..tak dapat tgok kat cinema, download kat internet..tah sape yg ajar adek aq ni yer..pastu aq try la main counter strike half life tu..asyik mampus jer biler men..lagi tambah tension aq.. owang kate men games release tension tapi tak pon..
aku nak cuti sampai trial! bohsan gi sekolah...tiap tiap ari mesti ade budak wat owg sakit ati..suker sangat wat owg sakit ati kan, tapi bile kiter wat die sakit ati tw laj marah..die pikir die tu pandai sangat la..ari ni sape cari pasal ngan aq memang kene tak hirau la sape budak tu, memang mood tak baek..dah la ari ni tah nape kak pengawas tu attack aq tunduk pon salah, wat ini pon salah..geram la pulak..budak depan aq siap leh pandang2 belakang and berborak, tak de lak die nak tegur..
ade budak cakap yg aq jeles sbb x jadi pengawas..huh?! what the? wat pe nak lagi syukur sesangat tak jadi pengwas kat sekolah ni..kalo aq jeles sesangat tu nape aq gi tolak tawaran jdik pengwas kan..
p/s: MRSM Terendak n SKKT1 dapat cuti seminggu..sekolah aq bile nak cuti ni!
wanna know
dah masuk 3 ari aq pakai topeng..sangat tak selesa ! mase perhimpunan tu, semue owang pandang2 cam tak penah nampak owang..geram la kat diowang yang narrow minded ni, ade ke cakap aq pakai topeng muke sebab kne H1N1..rase nak jer gi sumpah seranah owang tu tapi sabar, takut puase sunat bulan sya'ban aq tak dapat berkat.
balik umah tengok mak masak ayam rempah..memang tak tahan la tengok ayam siap menjilat perencah ayam tu..tibe tibe, ayah tegur
ayah : bukan aisyah pose ker?
me : astaghfirullah!!
malam tu cam bese gi surau, sambut malam nisfu sya' siap pakai baju all black ; daripade tudung hingge ke kasut, sume hitam! aq memang suke sangat warne cool and mysterious! sebelum pergi aq siap berposing macam nak rak kat dalam bilik sowang2..biler akak masuk, terus cover line.
bilik q seperti baru lepas pillow fight jer ?
kat sane, jumpe die..agak hensem gak die tu..mule mule memang tak nak tegur sebab segan tapi biler nak balik tu terpakse tegur die..why? sebab kawan aq suruh aq kirim salam kat die..nak antar sms kat die tapi aq nyer kredit yang below RM1 ni menyebabkan aq kedekut nak antar mesej. so kene la cakap..tapi time aq tegur die tu, aq lak rase segan..sampai ape yang die cakapkan pon aq tak dapat nak dengar! maybe syok dengar suare die yang sangat lembut tu kot hehehe
today, 6 ogos 2009
masih lagi memakai topeng muke..ingat kan aq sowang jer kat sekolah yang pakai..tapi, tengok budak form 5 pon dah ade yang pakai..masuk kelas pon ingat kan aq n kamil yang pakai, rupe rupenye dak syafiq pon pakai..ari ni dak kamil lupe bawak topeng muke x dapat la die join the club..aiman and izzani pon pakai, tapi tanggal lak..dak izzani betul2 wat aq bengang..dah taw damam, pakai la topeng tu atau tok sah la dan cikgu sume dah pesan kat die sebab takut berjangkit demam die tu tapi tak jugak pakai..good thing aq pakai topeng tu everytime..
me : mane boleh ko wat pose sunat kalo pose ganti ko tak wat lagi?
she : yeker?
me : yela, pose ganti tu wajib wat so wajib habiskan yang pose wajib tu dulu..atau wat la pose ganti and sunat sekali ngan syarat niat ganti mesti dulu!
puas ya amat aq nak terangkan kat diowang..baru jer tahun lepas blajar dah lupe..yang sunat kejar, yang wajib ditinggalkan..tu ker manusia zaman ini? Syukur alhamdulillah pose ganti aq dah lame aq ganti..tak silap aq pade bulan Syawal gak aq pose ganti sekali ngan pose sunat 6 ari..tahun ni cadang nak ganti pose ( kalo ade yang tertinggal) time PMR..dapat la berkat sikit hehehe..
ari ni cube wat rubicks cube..dak kamil ajar q wat, wan ru pon ajar thomas pon ajar aq..memang best la wat..rehat sebelum kelas tambahan aq sebuk la wat rubicks cube ni..hampir nak dapat sume colour tapi ade due colour ni spoil la..puas aq nak betul kan tuk kasi same last last hancur.. dak kamarul lak gelak jer
Kamarul : bak la syah, aq nak lawan ngan Thomas
Thomas : yeah, give it you little distroyer!
me : jap, biau aq destroy bende ni dulu
sambil tengok budak due owang ni berlawan, dak thomas saje wat pengakuan..(tuk ganggu si Ryasdan tidur huhuhu)
Thomas : aq ade pengakuan nak wat, sebenarnye aq lah yang campak henfom ko (ryasdan) yang masuk sungai tu ke sungai
sume budak kat situ tergelak, aq pon same..dak Ryasdan lak gi pukul dak thomas sebab ganggu die tidur
Ryasdan : wei 5 minit jer wei..tolong la senyap aq nak tidur!
kitowang senyap tak sampai seminit pon pastu terus wat pengakuan yang merepek2 sampai si Thomas cakap yang die lah si mask magician, clark kent, and banyak lagi..ktowang memang gelak besau..rubicks cube tu lak terus diputar putar..( hampir geram men menatang ni sampai rase nak pecah kan je bende ni )
tu je la crite tuk ari ni and semalam..agak panjang and merepek tak tentu pasal..hahahaha
P/s : kawan aq ni punyer la susah bebenar cari blog aq kat blog salah sowang kawan lame aq dah tulis terang terang kat blog kawan lame aq tu, still tak jumpe ker?
Attention please !
keboringan masih lagi melande diriku ni..
ni nak citer pasal duit..heheh, duitRM50 lol !..
ok, tadi baru jer tngok duit baru RM50..cantek weh..still leh hidu bau duit baru hehehe..kalo tak caye, kowang suruh la parents kowang withdraw RM50..and then, tgok la duit tu..
tu jer! bye!!
p/s: dinasihatkan untuk mengambil vaksin inflenza A H1N1 di klinik atau di hospital yang berdekatan untuk mencegah daripada dijangkiti selesema babi!!..
IU- 있잖아.. ( Itjanha/You Know..)

Eventhough still studying as a final year student in middle school, IU prove that she manage to release her 1st mini album "lost and Found" last year..This year, one of her song from her first mini album, "Itjanha" had being converted to rock version! I love this Rock Version!
p/s : she's really good in guitar..
more info

IU has a such deep voice that most people would find it hard to believe it comes from a young slender girl. These days many singers want to be a singers for the fame rather than for the love of the music, but IU mentioned that she wanted to sing that people may find their lost dreams through her songs. Before the release of this album, IU had already featured in various artistes’ songs, including those of Go Yoo Jin and Wanted. Famous Producers and Composers such us Choi Gap Won took part in the album, which has songs ranging from ballads to dance numbers. The title track, Missing Child is a ballad with electronic sounds and hip-hop rhythms, thus making it a hybrid-pop song. (
Genie by Girls Generation

After their big success as their song "gee" remain the No 1 in K-chart for 9 weeks in a row, Girls Generation is back with their 2nd mini album "sowoneul Malhaebwa (genie" or in english "tell me you wish" last month. Their catchy song, 'genie' are so lovely. You betcha all the girls looks so cute and preety. No doubt that their song are the top 3 in the K-chart. You go girls!
rain aren't suppose to be sad, it's can also mean happy
kelas tambahan, well cikgu tak de. 2/3 of the boys dah balik. the girls, duk je kat kelas. Maen! things get really funny when Kamil, Thomas, Ryasdan, Kamarul and Amin playing in the class. Ktowg gelak sampai tak tahan nak g tandas. Really funny. Rase cam nak pecah je perut ni. Pastu tengok Amin men rubiks cube. Memang capat la die wat. Sekejap je die wat.
pastu dengan teka teki ngan macam sengal pon wat ktowg bergelak ketawe. Memang rugi sape yang balik time ni!
bile nak balik cadang nak wat rundingan damai ngan aspury. cakap time balik tapi diowg tak muncul2. last2, mintak ari khamis ni. Ktowg pon ikut je lah. Nak wat esok x leh, ktowg xde kt skolh. so ari khamis la the best option that we have. Doa rundingan ni berjaye. X nak gado gado lagi!
entry semalam, post today
Wat ape? Senam robik. Department bapak aq wat senam robik weh. Kol 6.45 tu dah bla gi DP. Walaupon agak malas tapi wat gak la. But, when poco poco, aq cabut lari tak nak wat!
selesai pon dekat-dekat kol 9. Berjam jam la ktowg satu family duk kat DP tu. Ni sume gare gare nak tengok Harry Potter. But before that, enjoying meditarranean pizza at Pizza Hut. Emmm yummy!
Memang best la gi tgok harry potter tu. handsome gak yer Tom Riddle time remaje. Cute sesangat sangat! Draco lak nampak smart pakai suit hitam tu. Eventhough he's not that handsome, he looks really smart wearing that cloth.
Aq ni memang sker tgok budak laki pakai baju smart2. Looks so handsome and attractive. Hmm, no wonder my friends call me cerewet bab pilih boyfriend ni hahahaha
kamera lme tu tgh repay sbb msuk cakap water proof tapi bler masuk air jer rosak..hmm nk publicity la tu..
kak mariam x tw pon ade kamere bru..mmg la, ayah beli kamere tu pon lepas antar die balik asrama tdi..
hehehe x sabar nk kasi kgkwn tgok..sure diowg tanye stu soklan "bape banyak kamere yg ko ade ni?"
kredit mu habis bukan salah aku
pastu tbe2 lak mintak kapel ngan aq..dgn merayu rayu die..siap ckp mndi x basah, tdo x lene n mcm2 la yg same mkne dgn nye..pastu mintak gmbr la itu ini..ble aq suruh add kt myspace, xnk..maybe mke x sehensem mcm die ckp sbb tu la xnk add aq kt myspace..pastu mrajuk lak..what is this? nyampah lak..tnye pnye la tnye, rpe2 spupu kwn aq..geram lak kt kwn aq ni, biar jer spupu die ni men ambk no aq..nyampah..
tgh sebuk suruh aq kasi gmbr, tut tut talian tgok henfon aq ok jer..ah, bru aq tw..kredit die dh hbs..wah padan tw pon sbb krdit aq mmg dh lme hbs..x topup2 mmg sah krdt die dh mmg gelak besau la kt bilik td wahahahahahahahahahaha
tepon kwn aq yg lgi sowg..then crite kt die psl bnde ni..die ckp "wah ade hati nk kaco owg pnye" hehehe..die suruh aq, jgn layan pon..tpi aq layan gak sbb ske tgok krdt die agak nyampah sesangat la sbb x knl mke lgi nk ajk kapel..pikir aq ni ape..sng ckp ye? slagi x jmpe, x knl, x bersemuka jgn harap la aq nk kapel ngan die..hanye bdk yg aq knl, pnh jmpe, kwn lme, schoolmates or classmate bru boleh..
lgi pon, klo aq trime mamat tu mne lak aq nk campak my skelaton boyfriend tu? dah la duk sowang2 je kat makmal bio tu..kesian lak die kn..hehehehehe
last nite
hehehe best mmg best! tgok action die mmg btul2 mendebartkan.. rugi la aq x tgok yg transformers yg 1st...!!??
aq mmg x tgok lagi yg 1st movie tu..wlapon DVD ade kat umah, didownload oleh adik aq, aq still x tgok.. rse nyesal lak kn..xpe, nnt klo ade mse tgok la blik..hehehe
harry potter and the half blood prince, akn kuar 17 julai ni..spe nk tmn kn aq? time tu spupu aq dh blk sremban la!!
round round round
Adakah patut aku gelar die 'Pakcik'?
Nama die tok sah la nak tulis. Takut karang si pembace ni kenal la pulak. Ok la, disebabkan dah lame tak jumpe die (last jumpe ermm bulan lepas kot) aku tengok die memang berubah tahap gile! Yela tetiba je die pakai cermin mata! Aku pandang die kejap and pikir sejenak. Muka die macam Pakcik la. Tak pe la, dilemma orang rabun macam aku. Muke lawa/hensem tapi pakai cermin mate kurang sikit la pulak.
Nak tergelak pon ade jugak. Dah la biarlah die dengan glass nye. At least die pakai tak macam aku ni rabun tapi malas pakai cermin mata. Pakai pon time kat sekolah and jalan2. Rimas la! Habis tudung aku kembang pakai cermin mate.
Kalau boleh nak je cakap yang die ade rupe pakcik bile pakai cermin mata. Tentu die segan gile hahahahaha (kejamnye aku ni yer..?)
Lets talk about love (english translation)
Let's talk about love (English TRANSLATION)
Are you waiting to hear the words I'm sorry
Are you hurting because you can't understand his complicated heart?
Don't expect him to change, just accept him as he is
Some day, he will try harder on his own for you
Look for the light far from the darkness that dwells in this separation
That name shining brighter than anything else in this world
Let's talk about love
With your patient faith and gentle heart
Please forgive his mistakes
If you just believe
Even if your pain grows as much as you've loved, don't back down
In the name of love
Do you grow farther apart as you get closer?
Don't make any more excuses that will cause pain through unspoken reasons, and just embrace her
When you shed painful tears in times of trouble, don't give up
That name shining brighter than anything else in this world
Let's talk about love
With your honest hope and humble heart
Tell her first, your confession of love
If you just believe
She's the most precious girl in this world
Don't ever lose her, in the name of love
This love that the world cannot offer is always by our side
In our courage, baby just believe
With unchanging love and eternal happiness
We will become blessed as one
If we just believe
Even if pain comes to us once more
I strongly believe we will overcome them
In the name of love
힘들어하는 연인들을 위해 by 소녀시대
Tajuk ni berdasarkan tajuk lagu So Nyeo Shi Dae/Girls Generation. Tak de kaitan dengan diri aku tapi sedaya upaya nak paham lirik die. Yang aku paham ialah 'lets talk abou love', 'saranghye' and 'just belive'. Kenelah belajar korea betul2.
Aku akan cube tuk paham lirik die. Manela tau kot2 lirik die pasal aku ni. Ceh, perasan.
otaku desu ne
Semalam akak aku ade beli 3 buah komik yang best gile. Hari ni lak die beli 2 buah komik lagi + majalah arena. Memang sah akak aku ni nak habiskan cutinye dengan bace komik. Lame gile la die cuti. Tunggu result masuk U mane pon lambat. Tu la, best jadi budak asasi. Setahun jer pastu terus ambik ijazah. Tak macam diploma, sampai tiga tahun kene belajar baru leh wat ijazah. Jimat mase wei!
Ni la list komik yang aku bace time cuti ni..
-Zaman Gadis
-Pelayan Rahsia
-Penguin Prince
-Peramal Masa Depan
-Putera di Balik Tabir
-Kemasyhuran Putera di Balik Tabir
-Hati yang kacau
-Anti Chocolate
-Organisasi Rahsia Sekolah
the new era hahahaha
Penah jugak aku berangan keadaan dunie ni macam dalam anime code geass tu. Argh kalo macam tu mane nak aman dunie kalo Brittania tak habis2 nak tawan satu dunie kan. Tapi best jaugak kalo The Order of The Black Knight tu wujud kan. Leh aku jadi pemandu 'mecha' ni and musnahkan musuh!! hohohohohohoho..
Pastu berangan jadi ahli 'student council' macam dalam dram jepun n korea tu. Best la jugak dapat status and jawatan yang tinggi sangat daripada pengawas kat sekolh hehehe. Beserta dengan jadi agen atau ahli pemberontakkan macam Kallen Stedfell dalam anime code geass tu (tak habis2 anime ni).
Ape nak wat kan. Aku punye imaginasi ni memang dasar tinggi betul. Imaginasi nak ade pakwe macam aktor korea tu pon ade jugak hahahahahaha. Ala, sume owang ade hak la nak imagine ape2 kan. Tapi yang best nye aku dapat imagine yang aku bunuh someone yang aku tak suke. Wah BEST NYER KALAU BETUL-BETUL WUJUD!!! hehehehe
x pnh blajr dr kesilapn
die nk ke owg pulau kn die mcm thn lps? mmg sah x reti blajar dr kesilapn. dh la klo ade kwn len trus tggl kn kwn ngn die lyn cam bdk kecik tu. kecian die. bdk tu pon makin meluat lak ngn die.
aq ngn die ade kale nye ok kdg2 x ok pon. aq pon gram jgk la ngn die ni. tpi sbr je la. lg stahun jer aq skelas ngn die, thn dpn aq x nk jmpe die lg dah.
die la ngn slalu jer nk menang je n aq la slalu kne mngalh ngn die. hah, bgus pon time kt MSAM tu aq x jln ngn die. klo x ade la bnde yg die nk demand.
t'ingin nk rempit
sehari kt JB (pnat gler!!)
ronda2 keje dpt tu dpt ni. berat tgn memikul nye. dak fara lak x hbs2 nk blk2 tah ape yg die nk kejar kt dlm bas tu pon aq x tw tp ktowg wat dunno n jln la slow2.
sblm tu jmpe lak dk adie putra, bkn plakon tu yer ni si metamatik genius yg umor 10 thn yer. mte q mmg bulat gle la tgk bdk tu solve matematik tnpe gne kalkulator pon. tere2.
hbs ronda2 skitar pameran tu, ktowg brehat sbntr bli KFC jap n then blk umah tpi sblm tu makan dlu kt khemah
disbbkn nk g mlabur kt mrs tan, ktowg trus g msuk mall kjap. tndas diowg berbayr, t'pkse kluarkn 20 sen wlapon x mhl sgt pon then aq jln trus ke tnds sblm aq menyedari yg aq bakal msuk tndas laki! nasib bek x msuk lg. diowg sume gelak kn aq.
mne la aq tw klo jln trus je g tnds laki. tndas die dh la plik smacm. disbbkn aq dh bese jln trus msuk tndas, aq hmpir memalukn dri sndri. sabar je la hahahahaha
dlm bas tu aq borak la mcm2 ngn fara n shiema. pluang ngn ade jgn di sie2 kn, dh la diowg kls beta n kls diowg jauh ssh nk b'tegur spe. pas2 dak shiema crite la cmne dk *a*i* usha die. wlapon diowg dh putus tpi dak shiema still ske die lg. mmg jahanam btol dak *a*i* tu! ikut sgt ckp gf ko yg lg stu tu.
borak pnye la borak tbe2 aq t'bkk stu rhsie kt diowg. tnye pnye la tnye, aq t'pkse gtw diowg tpi nsb bek la diowg ni mmg leh trusted dri dlu lg. so that means diowg je yg tw secret aq. bdk kls aq sowg pon x tw. mmg bgus pon.
a love to kill
love can kill, btol spe ckp x leh bnuh owg. disebbkn cinta ni la owg gaduh smpai bnh2. ade lak bnh diri sbb ptus cnta. ade lak g bnh gf die psl cinta gak. waduh, mmg cinta ni mmbnh tol
love is hopeless, apsal x leh diharp? sbb klo dh cinta tu kowg dh b'mimpi diawang- awangan smpai jd manusia yg hopeless..
love is hurt. spe ckp die x pnh dilukekn time b'cnta tu mmg sah dasar pnipu bsau. time ni la kowg nyk kli dilukekn olh gf/bf kowg. smpai dh brake pon ko leh trase luke yg mendlm tu..
love is hatred. cbe pkir time kowg tgh syok b'cnte tbe2 jer putus n then kowg bnci die plk. so its vice versa la. benci lme2 cinta, cinta lme2 bnci..
kowg nk ker cinta yg cm ni?? sure x nk kn. so mle2 blajr la dlu,kwn dlu,knl prangai die bru la kowg b'cinte yer. jgn la bru knl trus kapel. hasilnye mcm ape yg aq tlis ni. so a love can be murder!!
npe juz 2 ari jer?
klo all form 3 g make hncur la program ni.nk tw npe?? sbb ktowg kne cmpur ngn bdk hjjg yg btol2 b' yg xske ni.tpi dh pngetua bru srh so wat jelh.xleh nk bngkang la..sabar je la lyn diowg sume dri dlu anti yg bdk kls hjjg ni especially boys..mlampau btul n truk btul!! dah la gatal n ske kasi masalh kt form 3 ni..geram je!!
thn je la 4 2 days ni..tpi knape xwat 3 ari?? form 5 siap smpai 3 ari lak tu..dah la wat kt sg la tu!! xaci sdyh~~ ni yg aq tol2 x puas hati..hmm tpi what ever la sbb nnt ade lwatn ker jb..hahahaha spe ahli klb kewangn n pelaburan bjk je la yg g ..bgge2 aq jd member 4 that society moral nye (siap ade moral value ni) stiap bnde ade hikmah nye kn...